RAMS Advisor in the ERTMS Program – Bane NOR

Bane NOR is revolutionizing the signaling systems on Norway’s railway network with a major initiative that will leave a lasting impact on the entire industry!

The outdated signaling equipment is being replaced with the state-of-the-art digital ERTMS (European Rail Traffic Management System). This is not just a project—it’s Norway’s largest digitalization initiative, set to shape the railway sector for years to come!

In this exciting transition, Rytec has provided the RAMS advisor for the Line Specific Engineering (LSE) subproject. Our RAMS advisor plays a key role in ensuring that ERTMS is safe, efficient, and reliable across various railway lines. RAMS work is essential to ensuring the project meets strict safety and operational availability requirements.

RAMS activities in LSE include:

  • Conducting risk assessments and safety analyses
  • Performing RAM (Reliability, Availability, Maintainability) analyses
  • Developing and monitoring RAMS plans
  • Establishing and following up on hazard and RAM logs

Rytec has proudly contributed as a RAMS advisor on several key line projects: Østfold Line Northern Section (OBVL N), Vestfold Line (VESB1 A, B, C and DRM HEN), Dovre Line South (DOVB S), Kongsvinger Line (KVGB), Røros Line (ROSB), Southern Line Central Section (SORB M), and Southern Line Western Section (SORB V).


This project has great ambitions, and we at Rytec are pleased to contribute to the development of a safer and more reliable railway for the future.